Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, BATHINDA

(A State University Established By Govt. of Punjab vide Punjab Act No. 5 of 2015 and Approved Under Section 2(f) & 12 (B) of UGC)

Regarding the last date for applying for online application for affiliation, for the Academic Session 2025-26.     

Tenders & Quotations

Sr. No. Description of Item Specification/Technical Bid Last Date
1. Detailed Notice Inviting Tender (DNIT)
  1. DNIT
3:00 PM
2. E-TENDER Notice (NIT)
  1. NIT
3:00 PM
3. Hiring of Services for Chartered Accountant for MRSPTU, Bathinda
  1. Declaration Blacklisting
  2. Declaration GST
  3. Declaration_Litigation
  4. Price Bid
  5. Letter_of_Transmittal_CA
  6. Technical Bid
  7. Terms_and_Conditions_CA
  8. Undertaking Non Penalized
3:00 PM
4. Purchase of Stationery Items for MRSPTU & its Constituent Colleges
  1. Corrigendum
  2. Declaration Blacklisting
  3. Declaration GST
  4. Declaration_Litigation
  5. Price Bid
  6. Technical Bid
  7. Terms_and_Conditions_for_Stationery_Items
  8. Undertaking Non Penalized
3:00 PM
5. Regarding Internet Connectivity lease lines 200 MBPS for MRSPTU and 100 MBPS for GZSCCET, Bathinda
  2. Declaration Blacklisting
  3. Declaration GST
  4. Declaration_Litigation
  5. Price Bid
  6. Specifications_Internet_Lease_Lines
  7. Technical Bid
  8. Undertaking Non Penalized
3:00 PM

3:00 PM
6. Purchase of 3D Resin Printer for BCL AICTE Idea Lab of MRSPTU, Bathinda
  2. Declaration Blacklisting
  3. Declaration GST
  4. Declaration_Litigation
  5. Price Bid
  6. Specifications_of_3D_Resin_Printer
  7. Technical Bid
  8. Terms and Conditions Purchase of Goods
  9. Undertaking Non Penalized
3:00 PM

3:00 PM
Sr. No. Description of Item Specification/Technical Bid Last Date
. Corrigendum_for_Extension
  1. Corrigendum for Extension
11:00 AM
. Detailed Notice Inviting Tender (DNIT)
  1. DNIT
3:00 PM
. E-TENDER Notice (NIT)
  1. NIT
3:00 PM
. Purchase of FTIR Spectrophotometer for Deptt. of Food Sci. & Tech. of MRSPTU Bathinda
  1. Declaration Blacklisting
  2. Declaration GST
  3. Declaration_Litigation
  4. Price Bid
  5. Specifications of FTIR Spectrophotometer
  6. Technical Bid
  7. Terms and Conditions Purchase of Goods
  8. Undertaking Non Penalized
3:00 PM

11:00 AM
. Purchase of UV-Visible Spectrophotometer for Deptt. of Food Sci. & Tech.of MRSPTU Bathinda
  1. Declaration Blacklisting
  2. Declaration GST
  3. Declaration_Litigation
  4. Price Bid
  5. Specifications of UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
  6. Technical Bid
  7. Terms and Conditions Purchase of Goods
  8. Undertaking Non Penalized
3:00 PM

11:00 AM
. Purchase of Water Purification Systems for Deptt. of Food Sci. & Tech. of MRSPTU Bathinda
  1. Declaration Blacklisting
  2. Declaration GST
  3. Declaration_Litigation
  4. Price Bid
  5. Specifications of Water Purification System
  6. Technical Bid
  7. Terms and Conditions Purchase of Goods
  8. Undertaking Non Penalized
3:00 PM

11:00 AM
. Purchase of Rotary Vacuum Evaporator for Deptt. of Food Sci. & Tech. of MRSPTU Bathinda
  1. Declaration Blacklisting
  2. Declaration GST
  3. Declaration_Litigation
  4. Price Bid
  5. Specifications of Rotary Vacuum Evaporator
  6. Technical Bid
  7. Terms and Conditions Purchase of Goods
  8. Undertaking Non Penalized
3:00 PM
Sr. No. Description of Item Specification/Technical Bid Last Date
. Corrigendum_for_Extension
  1. Corrigendum for Extension
3:00 PM
. Detailed Notice Inviting Tender (DNIT)
  1. DNIT
3:00 PM
. E-TENDER Notice (NIT)
  1. NIT
3:00 PM
. Empanelment of Advertising Agencies for MRSPTU, Bathinda.
  1. Declaration Blacklisting
  2. Declaration GST
  3. Declaration_Litigation
  4. Technical Bid
  5. Terms_Conditions_for_Advt_Agencies
  6. BOQ_Advertisement_Agency
3:00 PM
. Printing & Supply of DMCs for Examinations Branch of MRSPTU, Bathinda
  1. Declaration Blacklisting
  2. Declaration GST
  3. Declaration_Litigation
  4. Specifications_of_DMCs
  5. Financial_Bid_DMCs
  6. Instruction_of_Tenderer_DMCs
  7. TermsandConditionsPurchseofGoods
  8. Technical Bid
  9. Terms_Conditions_for_DMCs
  10. BOQ
3:00 PM
. Disposal of Used Answer Books for Examination Branch of MRSPTU, Bathinda.
  1. Declaration Blacklisting
  2. Declaration_Litigation
  3. Technical_Bid_for_Disposal_AB
  4. Terms_Conditions_for_Disposal_Answer_Sheets
  5. BOQ_Disposal_Answer_Sheets
3:00 PM
Sr. No. Description of Item Specification/Technical Bid Last Date
. Detailed Notice Inviting Tender (DNIT)
  1. DNIT
3:00 PM
. E-TENDER Notice (NIT)
  1. NIT
3:00 PM
. Regarding Supply, Fabrication & Fixing Classroom Benches
(As per Drawing) for MRSPTU, Bathinda
  1. Declaration Blacklisting
  2. Declaration GST
  3. Declaration_Litigation
  4. Drawing
  5. Manufacturer_Authorization_Annexure-A
  6. Other_Terms_Conditions_Annexure_B
  7. Specifications
  8. Technical Bid
  9. Terms Conditions Civil Works
  10. V3_BOQ_Classroom_Benches
3:00 PM
Sr. No. Description of Item Specification/Technical Bid Last Date
1. CORRIGENDUM(E-Tender_MRSPTU_DPR_Purchase_2022_454)
  1. Regarding Supply, Fabrication & Fixing Classroom Benches as per Drawing for MRSPTU, Bathinda
3:00 PM
2. Detailed Notice Inviting Tender (DNIT)
  1. DNIT
3:00 PM
3. E-TENDER Notice (NIT)
  1. NIT
3:00 PM
3. Printing & Supply of Answer Books(Total 36 Pages)for Examination Branch of MRSPTU, Bathinda.
  1. Declaration_Blacklisting
  2. Declaration_GST
  3. Declaration_Litigation
  4. Other_Terms_Conditions_Annexure_II
  5. Specifications_Answer_Sheets_Annexure_I
  6. TechnicalBid
  7. Terms_Conditons_Purchase_of_Goods
  8. V3_BOQ_Answer Sheets
3:00 PM
4. Printing & Supply of Degree Certificates for Examination Branch of MRSPTU, Bathinda.
  1. Declaration_Blacklisting
  2. Declaration_GST
  3. Declaration_Litigation
  4. Other_Terms_Conditions_Degree_Certificates
  5. Specifications_Degree_Certificates
  6. Technical_Bid_Degree_Certificatess_Examinations
  7. Terms_Conditons_Purchase_of_Goods
  8. V3_BOQ_Degree_Certificates_Examinations
3:00 PM
5. Annual Rate Contract for Stationary Items for Various Departments of MRSPTU, Bathinda & Its Constituent Colleges.
  1. Declaration_Blacklisting
  2. Declaration_GST
  3. Declaration_Litigation
  4. Technical_Bid_Stationery_ITems
  5. Terms_Conditions_Stationery_Items
  6. Price_Bid_Stationery
3:00 PM
6. Regarding Supply, Fabrication & Fixing Classroom Benches (As per Drawing) for MRSPTU, Bathinda.
  1. Declaration_Blacklisting
  2. Declaration_GST
  3. Declaration_Litigation
  4. Manufacturer_Authorization_Annexure-A
  5. Other_Terms_Conditions_Annexure_B
  6. Stepped_Classroom_Drawing_2022
  7. Technical_Bid_Classroom_Benches
  8. Terms_Conditions_Civil_Works
  9. V3_BOQ_Classroom_Benches
3:00 PM
Sr. No. Description of Item Specification/Technical Bid Last Date
1. Detailed Notice Inviting Tender (DNIT)
  1. DNIT
3:00 PM
2. E TENDER Notice
  1. NIT
3:00 PM
3. E-tender To Provide " Online Platform and other Logistics" To Establish Online Courses at Mrsptu, Bathinda
  1. Blacklist_Proforma
  2. Finanical_Bid_Proforma
  3. Technical_Bid_Online_Courses
  4. Tender_Document_Annexure_I
  5. Terms_Conditions_for_Online_Courses_Annexxure-II
3:00 PM
4. E-tender for Purchase of Equipment/Items for Deptt. of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Technology, MRSPTU Bathinda.
  1. BOQ_Equipment_Pharmacy
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Equipments_of_Pharmacy_Deptt.
  4. Technical_Bid_Equipments_of_Pharmacy
  5. Terms_and_Conditions_for_Purchase_of_Goods
3:00 PM
5. 1 KVA UPS(Offline), 24 Port Gigabit Unmanaged Switch , Wifi Gigabit Router for IT Enabled Service Deptt. MRSPTU Bathinda
  3. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  4. Financial_Bid_UPS_Gigabit
  5. Specifications_UPS_Gigabit
  6. Technical_Bid_UPS_Gigabit
  7. Terms_and_Conditions_for_Purchase_of_Goods
3:00 PM

17-01-2022 (3:00 PM)
6. Purchase of Microsoft Office 2019 Academics Professsional (Life Time License for IT Enabled Services of Mrsptu,Bathinda)
  3. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  4. Financial_Bid_MSOffice
  5. Specifications_for_MSOffice
  6. Technical_Bid_MSOffice
  7. Terms_and_Conditions_for_Purchase_of_Goods
3:00 PM

17-01-2022 (3:00 PM)
7. Internet Connectivity 100 MBPS Lease Line with ( 1:1) 64 Statocs IP (including Installation & with all required accessories for lease line) for IT Enabled Services of MRSPTU, Bathinda.
  1. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  2. Price_Bid_Internet_Lease_Line
  3. Specifications_Internet_Connectivity
  4. Technical_Bid_Internet_Lease_Line
  5. Terms_Conditions_for_Internet_Connectivity
3:00 PM
8. Printing & Supply of Answer Books 32 Lined Pages and 04 Cover Pages (Total 36 Pages)for Examination Branch of MRSPTU, Bathinda.
  1. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  2. Other_Terms_Conditions_for_Answer_Sheets_Annexure-II
  3. Specifications_Answer_Sheets_Annexure-I
  4. Technical_Bid_Answer_Sheets_Examinations
  5. Terms_and_Conditions_for_Purchase_of_Goods
3:00 PM
9. Printing & Supply of Degree Certificates for Examination Branch of MRSPTU, Bathinda.
  1. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  2. Other_Terms_Conditions_for_Degree_Certificates_Annexure_II
  3. Specifications_Degree_Certificates_Annexure-I
  4. Technical_Bid_Degree_Certificate_Examinations
  5. Terms_and_Conditions_for_Purchase_of_Goods
3:00 PM
Sr. No. Description of Item Specification/Technical Bid Last Date
1. Corrigendum_Extension_of_Date_PSAEC_Patiala. E-Tender no. MRSPTU/DPR/Purchase/2021/378 dated 02/08/2021. -- 24-08-2021
(03:00 PM)
2. Newspaper_Advertisement for E-TENDER/MRSPTU/DPR/PURCHASE/2021/378 DATED: 02-08-2021 for PSAEC, Patiala. -- 17-08-2021
(03:00 PM)
3. NIT (Against Short Term E-Tender No. MRSPTU/DPR/Purchase/2021/378 dated 02-08-2021) for PSAEC, Patiala. - 17-08-2021
(03:00 PM)
4. DNIT (against Short Term E-Tender No. MRSPTU/DPR/Purchase/2021/378 dated 02-08-2021) for PSAEC, Patiala. - 17-08-2021
(03:00 PM)
5. E-tender for Purchase of Equipments for Aerodynamics Lab of PSAEC, Patiala.
  1. BOQ_Aerodynamics_Lab
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specification_of_AERODYNAMICS_LAB
  4. Technical_Bid_Aerodaynamics_Lab
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
6. E-tender for Purchase of Equipments for Aircraft Propulsion Lab of PSAEC, Patiala.
  1. BOQ_Aircraft_Propulsion_Lab
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specificaitons_of_Aircraft_Propulsion_Lab
  4. Technical_Bid_Propulsion_Lab
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
7. E-tender for Purchase of Equipments for Aircraft Structure Lab of PSAEC, Patiala.
  1. BOQ_Aircraft_Structure_Lab
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Aircraft_Structure_Lab
  4. Technical_Bid_Structure_Lab
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
8. E-tender for Purchase of Equipments/Items for Sheet Metal Shop of PSAEC, Patiala.
  1. BOQ_Sheet_Metal_Shop
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Sheet_Metal_Shop
  4. Technical_Bid_Sheet_Metal_Shop
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
Sr. No. Description of Item Specification/Technical Bid Last Date
1. Advertisement (E-Tender/MRSPTU/DPR/PURCHASE/2021/365) - 26-03-2021
(03:00 PM)
2. DNIT (E-Tender/MRSPTU/DPR/PURCHASE/2021/365) - 26-03-2021
(03:00 PM)
3. E-tender for Purchase of Equipments for Aerodynamics Lab of Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College, Patiala
  1. BOQ_Aerodynamics_Lab
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specification_of_AERODYNAMICS_LAB
  4. Technical_Bid_Aerodaynamics_Lab
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
4. E-tender for Purchase of Equipments for Aircraft Propulsion Lab of Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College, Patiala
  1. BOQ_Aircraft_Propulsion_Lab
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_AIRCRAFT_PROPULSION_LAB
  4. Technical_Bid_Aircraft_Propulsion_Lab
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
5. E-tender for Purchase of Equipments for Strength of Material Lab of Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College, Patiala
  1. BOQ_Strength_of_Material_Lab
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_SOM_Lab
  4. Technical_Bid_SOM_Lab
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
6. E-tender for Purchase of Equipments for Aircraft Structure Lab of Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College, Patiala
  1. BOQ_Aircraft_Structure_Lab
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_AIRCRAFT_STRUCTURE_LAB
  4. Technical_Bid_Aircraft_Structure_Lab
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
7. E-tender for Purchase of Equipments for Machine Shop for Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College, Patiala
  1. BOQ_Machine_Shop
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Machine_Shop
  4. Technical_Bid_Machine_Shop
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
8. E-tender for Purchase of Items for Fitting Shop of Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College, Patiala
  1. BOQ_Fitting_Shop
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Fitting_Shop
  4. Technical_Bid_Fitting_Shop
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
9. E-tender for Purchase of Items for Foundry Shop of Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College, Patiala
  1. BOQ_Foundry_Shop
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Foundry_Shop
  4. Technical_Bid_Foundry_Shop
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
  6. Corrigndum_Date_Extended_Reg_Revised_Financial_Bid
  7. Revised_Financial_Bid_for_Foundry_Shop
  8. Corrigndum for Extension of Date
(03:00 PM)
10. E-tender for Purchase of Equipments for Smithy Shop for Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College, Patiala
  1. BOQ_Smithy_Shop
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specificaitons_of_Smithy_Shop
  4. Technical_Bid_Smithy_Shop
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
  6. Corrigendum_Extension_of_Date_PSAEC_Patiala
(03:00 PM)
11. E-tender for Purchase of Equipments for Welding Shop for Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College, Patiala
  1. BOQ_Welding_Shop
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Welding_Shop
  4. Technical_Bid_Welding_Shop
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
12. E-tender for Purchase of Equipments for Sheet Metal Shop for Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College, Patiala
  1. BOQ_Welding_Shop
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Sheet_Metal_Shop
  4. Technical_Bid_Sheet_Metal_Lab
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
13. E-tender for Purchase of Equipments/Items for Carpentry and Electrical Shop for PSAEC, Patiala
  1. BOQ_Carpentry_Electrical_Shops
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Carpentry_and_Electrical_Shop
  4. Technical_Bid_Carpentry_Electrical_Shop
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
  6. Corrigendum_Extension_of_Date_PSAEC_Patiala
(03:00 PM)
14. E-tender for Purchase of Desktop Computers for PSAEC, Patiala.(Please see the Corrigendum updated on 19.03.2021 )
  1. BOQ_Desktop_Computers
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specificaions_of_Desktop_Computers
  4. Technical_Bid_Desktop_Computers
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
  6. Corrigendum
  7. Corrigendum_Extension_of_Date_PSAEC_Patiala
(03:00 PM)
15. E-tender for Purchase of Laser Printer, Laptop, Collar Mike with Speaker, Pen Tablets and CCTV Camera for PSAEC, Patiala (Please see the Corrigendum updated on 19.03.2021 )
  1. BOQ_Printer_Laptop_CollarMike_PenTablets_CCTVCamera
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Printer_Lapto_Camera_etc.
  4. Technical_Bid_Printer_Laptop_Camera_etc.
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
  6. Corrigendum
  7. Corrigendum_Extension_of_Date_PSAEC_Patiala
(03:00 PM)
16. E-tender for Purchase of UPS 6 KVA Online and 1KVA Offline for PSAEC, Patiala.
  1. BOQ_UPS_Online_Offline
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_UPSs
  4. Technical_Bid_UPS_Online_Offline
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
17. E-tender for Purchase of Photostat Machines for PSAEC, Patiala.
  1. BOQ_Photostat_Machines
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Photostat_Machine
  4. Technical_Bid_Photostat_Machine
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
18. E-tender for Purchase of LCD Projector for PSAEC, Patiala.
  1. BOQ_LCD_Projector
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_LCD_Projectors
  4. Technical_Bid_LCD_Projector
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
  6. Corrigendum_Extension_of_Date_PSAEC_Patiala
(03:00 PM)
19. E-tender for Purchase of Server for PSAEC, Patiala.
  1. BOQ_Server
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specificationsf_Server
  4. Technical_Bid_Server
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
  6. Corrigendum_Extension_of_Date_PSAEC_Patiala
(03:00 PM)
20. E-tender for Purchase of Smart LED Television for PSAEC, Patiala.
  1. BOQ_Smart_LED_Television
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_LED_Television
  4. Technical_Bid_Smart_LED_Television
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
21. E-tender for Purchase of Air Conditioner for Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College, Patiala.
  1. BOQ_Air_Conditioners
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_ACs
  4. Technical_Bid_Air_Conditioner
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
22. E-tender for Regarding Installation and Commissioning for Networking Requirements at PSAEC, Patiala.
  1. BOQ_Networking
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Networking
  4. Technical_Bid_Networking
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
23. E-tender for Purchase of Softwares (CATIA, NASTRAN, ANSYS, SOLID WORKS) for PSAEC, Patiala.
  1. BOQ_Softwares
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Softwares
  4. Technical_Bid_Softwares
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
24. E-tender for Purchase of Furniture items for Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College, Patiala.
  1. BOQ_College_Furnitures
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Furniture_Items
  4. Technical_Bid_College_Furniture
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
25. E-tender for Regarding Seminar Room Furnishing with Furniutre, Blinds etc. at PSAEC, Patiala.
  1. BOQ_Seminar_Room_Furnishing
  2. Declaration_Blacklisting_Performa
  3. Specifications_of_Seminar_Room_Furnihsing_with_Furniture
  4. Technical_Bid_Seminar_Room_Furnishing
  5. Terms_Condition_for_goods
(03:00 PM)
26. Advertisement (E-Tender/MRSPTU/DPR/PURCHASE/2021/356) - 22-03-2021
(03:00 PM)
27. DNIT (E-Tender/MRSPTU/DPR/PURCHASE/2021/356) - 22-03-2021
(03:00 PM)
28. Purchase of Microsoft Office 2019 Academic Licenses for Deptt. of IT Enabled Serviccs of MRSPTU Bathinda (Qty. 200 Nos).
  1. Specifications
  2. Technical Bid
  3. Terms and Conditions
(03:00 PM)
29. Purchase of Managed Cloud Services (Subscription based) for University IT Systems like Examination, Account, Digital Locker APIs. Admissions (pre-registration, Online Counselling Software) and other university application.
  1. Specifications
  2. Technical Bid
  3. Terms and Conditions
(03:00 PM)
30. Purchase of 24 port Gigabit Unmanaged Switch, 1KVA UPS (Offline) & Wifi Gigabit Router of IT Enabled Services of MRSPTU Bathinda.
  1. Specifications
  2. Technical Bid
  3. Terms and Conditions
(03:00 PM)
31. Disposal of Used Answer Sheets of MRSPTU, Bathinda (Approx. Qty.38 Ton)
  1. Technical Bid
  2. Tender Document with Terms Conditions
(03:00 PM)
32. Rate Contract for Hiring of Vehicles for MRSPTU Bathinda.
  1. Technical Bid
  2. Tender Document with Terms Conditions
(03:00 PM)
Corrigendum: E-Tender/MRSPTU/DRP/ESTATE/2019/194 dated 10-01-2019
Corrigendum: E-Tender/MRSPTU/DRP/ESTATE/2019/194 dated 10-01-2019
Terms & Conditions of Bid Document for Civil Works

Sr. No. Description of Item Last Date
0. Quotation for Lease line 64 MBPS 1:1 dedicated unshared bandwidth at PIT GTB Garh, Moga. 22-02-2025
0. Quotation for Items required for Installation Electric Cable from Workshop to Boy's Hostel at PSAEC, Patiala. 27-01-2025
0. Auction of Cafetaria and Shops
Terms and Conditions for Auction of Cafetaria
Terms and Conditions for Auction of Shop
0. Quotation for Printing of Answer sheets (16 pages) for University. 23-12-2024
0. Quotation for Refilling of Fire Extinguishers in the GZSCCET Campus and PIT Nandgarh. 17-12-2024
0. Quotation for Cleaning and Disinfection of over head water tanks at MRSPTU, Bathinda 25-11-2024
0. Quotation for erection of boundary wall above existing wall along S&S tanks in lieu of safety & trespassing at Water Works of MRSPTU, Bathinda 18-11-2024
0. Quotation for providing, installing, testing & commissioning of chlorinator meter at water works of MRSPTU, Bathinda 11-11-2024
0. Quotation for sale of E-waste material. 26-07-2024
0. Quotation for repair of Triaxial Testing Machine in Geotechnical Lab of Civil Engg. Deptt. of GZSCCET, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 14-05-2024
0. Quotation for Fabrication of Diffusion Drier 04-03-2024
0. Quotation for Fabrication of Gross Filter Sampler 04-03-2024
0. Quotation for Diffusion drying System 21-02-2024
0. Quotation for Gross Filter Sampler 21-02-2024
0. Quotation for Purchase of Chemicals 05-12-2023
0. Advertisement regarding purchase of Library Books 09-10-2023
0. Quotation for Refilling of Fire Extenguishers in the GZSCCET Campus and PIT Nandgarh, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 17-08-2023
0. Regarding withdraw notice of quotations for the work of refilling of fire extinguishers in the GZSCCET Campus and PIT Nandgarh, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 25-07-2023
0. Quotation for Purchase of Self assembled furniture items required for BCL-AICTE Idea Lab, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 06-03-2023
0. Quotation for Purchase of Furniture Items required for BCL-AICTE Idea Lab, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 06-03-2023
0. Quotation for Purchase of Furniture Items required for BCL-AICTE Idea Lab, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 06-03-2023
0. Quotation for Purchase of Furniture Items required for BCL-AICTE Idea Lab, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 06-03-2023
0. Quotation for Fabrication of Chamber Department of Physics, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 27-02-2023
0. Quotations for Purchase of Public Health items required for routine maintanace in the Campus, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 20-02-2023
0. Revised-Quotations for installation of internet Leased Line connection of 64 MBPS, 1:1 dedicated unshared bandwidth over Fiber including necessary hardware at Punjab Institue of Technology, GTB Garh, Moga. 16-02-2023
0. "Quotation for Renovation of bathrooms in room no. 03 & 04 (F.F) of Campus Guest House (Civil & Electrical Works), MRSPTU, Bathinda 07-02-2023
0. "Quotations for providing & Fixing ladders in new MRSPTU building for repair, maintanance works, MRSPTU, Bathinda 30-01-2023
0. Quotations for installation of internet Leased Line connection of 64 MBPS, 1:1 dedicated unshared bandwidth over Fiber including necessary hardware at Punjab Institue of Technology, GTB Garh, Moga. 27-01-2023
0. Quotations for sale of e-waste material. 10-01-2023
0. Quotations for installation of Internet Leased Line connection of 48 MBPS, 1:1 dedicated unshared bandwidth over Fiber including necessary hardware at Punjab Institute of Technology, Rajpura. 19-12-2022
0. Quotations for purchase of Animal Feed for Central Animal House, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 22-11-2022
0. Quotation for Supply of Combi Writing board for MRSPTU, Bathinda. 17-11-2022
0. Quotation of Refilling of first Aid Fire Extinguishers in University Buildings of MRSPTU, Bathinda. 03-11-2022
0. Quotation for purchase of Sports Items for SPORTS & YOUTH WELFARE Department, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 20-10-2022
0. Quotation for purchase of Sports Items for SPORTS & YOUTH WELFARE Department, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 27-09-2022
0. "Quotation for Glass Microfiber filter papers (8*10 ins), Whatman make and compatible with PM 10 Sampler Department of Physics, MRSPTU, Bathinda 22-09-2022
0. "Quotation for Providing and Fixing of Lab table platforms in chemistry department of MRSPTU, Bathinda 22-09-2022
0. "Quotation for Poly-tetra-fluro-ethylene (PTFE) Filter (Quantity- 600) for PM 2.5 Sampler, compatible with Envirotech Model APM 550 Mini Department of Physics, MRSPTU, Bathinda 22-09-2022
0. "Quotation for Purchase of Cloud Sever Hosting- 10 GB for 04 months. Department of Pharmacy, MRSPTU, Bathinda 22-08-2022
0. "Quotations for providing & Fixing ladders in new MRSPTU building for repair, maintanance works, MRSPTU, Bathinda 28-08-2022
0. "Quotations for Cloud Server Hosting-10GB For 4 Months" for Pharmacueutical Science & Technology Department, MRSTPTU, Bathinda. 16-08-2022
0. Quotation for Renovation of bathrooms in room no.03 & 04 (FF) of Campus Guest House (Civil & Electrical Works). 25-08-2022
0. Quotation for Purchase of CISCO 48 port managed networking switch with 04 SFP Port and WI-FI Gigabit Router for IT Enabled Services Department, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 25-08-2022
0. Quotation for purchase of Sports Items for SPORTS & YOUTH WELFARE Department, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 18-08-2022
0. Quotation for Providing and Fixing of Lab Table platforms in Chemistry Deptt. of MRSPTU, Bathinda 27-07-2022
0. Quotation for Purchase of Public Health items required for routine maintanace in Campus. MRSPTU, Bathinda. 20-07-2022
0. Quotation for Renovation of bathrooms in room no. 03 & 04 (F.F) of Campus Guest House (Civil & Electrical Works). 12-07-2022
0. Quotation for Providing & Fixing ladders in new MRSPTU buildings for repair, maintenance works 08-07-2022
0. Quotations for purchase of Chemical for Dept. Of Pharm. Sci. & Tech., MRSPTU, Bathinda. 22-06-2022
0. Quotation for Glass Microfiber filter papers (8x10 ins), Whatman make and compatible with PM 10 Sampler. 21-06-2022
0. Quotation for purchase of peristaltic pump for Chemistry Deptt., MRSPTU, Bathinda. 17-03-2022
0. Quotations for Purchase of Chemicals for Chemistry Deptt., MRSPTU, Bathinda. 21-02-2022
0. Quotations for purchase of Chemical for Dept. of Pharm. Sci. & Tech., MRSPTU, Bathinda. 15-02-2022
0. Quotation for Purchase of CISCO WS-C2960L-48TS-LL managed networking switch and Gigabit Media Converter 10-02-2022
0. Quotation for Purchase of items for manufacturing of Electric-ATV 24-01-2022
0. Quotation for Providing and installation of Fiber Link Internet Leased Line connection of 32 MBPS, including neccessary hardware at Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College, Patiala. 11-01-2022
0. Quotation for Pricing of DMC's at MRSPTU, Bathinda. 27-12-2021
0. Quotation for GF/A Filter (Quantity- 100) for PM 10 Sampler Compatible with Envirotech Model APM 460 BL. 21-12-2021
0. Quotations for purchase of Animal Feed for Central Animal House, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 06-12-2021
0. Quotation for Purchase of Ply and Flush doors for Hostels routine maintenance in the Campus. 29-11-2021
0. CORRIGENDUM For Quatations for the purchase of Gigabit Wifi Router and other items 15-11-2021
0. Quotation for Purchase of GigabitWi-Fi Router & other items MRSPTU, Bathinda.
0. Quotations for Purchase Process Refinement of iOS mobile application at Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology Deptt. MRSPTU, Bathinda.
0. Quotations for Purchase of Glassware for chemistry Deptt., MRSPTU, Bathinda.
0. Quotation for Refilling of Fire Extinguishers in the GZSCCET Campus and PIT Nandgarh Campus.
0. Quotation for Purchase of Public Health items required for routine maintenance in the Campus.
0. Quotation for Purchase (Installation of Internet Lease line connection of 20 MBPS unshared wandwidth 1:1 with 10 static IP, including all necessary hardwares) at Punjab Institute of technology Nandgarh Bathinda.
0. Quotation for Poly-fluoro-ethylene (PTFE) Filter (Quantity-300) for PM 2.5 Sampler. for physics Deptt., MRSPTU, Bathinda.
0. Quotations for Purchase of Glassware for Chemistry Deptt., MRSPTU, Bathinda.
0. Quotations for Purchase of Ply and Flush doors for Hostels routine maintenance in the Campus.
0. Detail of Auction 2021-22
Terms & Coditions for Auction of canteen yr 2021-22
Terms & conditions for Auction of Agriculture Land 2021-22
Terms & Conditions for Auction of cafeteria yr 2021-22
Terms & Conditions for Auction of Shops yr 2021-22
0. Quotation for purchase of Cloud Server Hosting-10 GB for 8 months. 09-08-2021
0. Quotations for purchase of Animal Feed for Centrel Animal House,MRSPTU,Bathinda 09-07-2021
0. Quotations for “Development of android based mobile application” for Dept. of Pharm. Science & Technology, MRSPTU, Bathinda under DST SERB project in the supervision of Dr. Ashish Baldi. 14-05-2021
0. Quotations for “Design and Development of Website” for Dept. of Pharm. Science & Technology, MRSPTU, Bathinda under NMPB project in the supervision of Dr. Ashish Baldi. 14-05-2021
0. Quotation for Chemicals for Department of Chemistry, MRSPTU Bathinda 15-04-2021
0. Quotations for peristaltic pump for Department of Chemistry, MRSPTU, Bathinda 15-04-2021
0. Quotation for Poly-tetra-fluoro-ethylene (PTFE) Filter for PM 2.5 Sampler, Department of Physics, MRSPTU, Bathinda. 15-04-2021
0. Quotations for HP Toner 55 A (Degree cell examination Branch), MRSPTU, Bathinda 26-03-2021
0. Quotations for purchase of chemicals for Dept. of Pharm. Science & Technology, MRSPTU, Bathinda 25-03-2021 upto 3:30 PM
1. Quotations for installation of Internet Leased Line connection of 32 MBPS, 1:1 dedicated unshared bandwidth over Fiber including necessary hardware at Punjab Institute of Technology, GTB Garh (Moga) Quotations for Lease Line 11-03-2021
1. Quotations of Cloud Server 08-02-2021
1. Quotations for P & F of Aluminium partitioning cabin (2 No.s) for new IELTS Centre (L.T Block) at MRSPTU, Bathinda 05-02-2021
1. Quotations for Refolling of Fire Extinguishers in the Campus and PIT Nandgarh 03-02-2021
1. Quotations for Public Health items required for routine maintenance in the Campus 27-01-2021
1. Quotations for installation of Internet Leased Line connection of 32 MBPS, 1:1 dedicated unshared bandwidth over Fiber/Copper/RF Link (Order of preference for choice) including necessary hardware at Punjab Institute of Technology, Rajpura 24-12-2020
1. Quotations for Electronic Items 04-01-2021
1. Quotations for semi- microbalance 10-12-2020
1. Quotations for PM1 Particulate Sample 10-12-2020
1. Quotations for P & F of Aluminium partitioning cabin (2 No.s) for new IELTS Centre (L.T Block) at MRSPTU, Bathinda 16-12-2020
1. Quotations for P & F of Aluminium partitioning cabin (2 No.s) for new IELTS Centre (L.T Block) at MRSPTU, Bathinda 29-10-2020
1. Advertisement regarding purchase of Library Books 14-10-2020
1. Quotations of Cloud Server 04-09-2020
1. Quotations of Cloud Server 23-07-2020
1. Quotations for Cleaning & Disinfection of Over Head Water Tanks in Campus (Instructional Area, Residential Area & Hostels) 03-04-2020
1. Quotations for Purchase of Public Health items required for routine maintenance in the Campus 12-03-2020
1. Quotations for Electrical Items required for Routine Maintenance of the Campus 02-12-2019
1. Quotations for Suppy of Grab Bars for Physically Disabled persons in new building of MRSPTU, Bathinda 25-11-2019
1. Quotations for Supply of Carpentry Items for routine maintenance in the Campus 06-11-2019
1. Quotation for Binding of Library Books and Periodicals Corrigendum for date extension 10-10-2019
1. Quotations for Provideing & Fixing of False Ceiling & Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of lighting fixture in committee Room (F.F) of GZSCCET, Bathinda 30-09-2019
1. Quotations for Supply of Items for House Keeping department od MRSPTU,Bathinda 19-09-2019
1. Quotations for Supply of Capentry Items 12-08-2019
1. Quotations for Providing & Fixing of Place Identification Boards at Aeronautical Engineering College, Patiala (Single Sided at gate & Rooftop) 11-06-2019
1. Quotations for Electronic Equipments
Corrigendum for date extend of the Quotations for Electronics Equipments 1
Corrigendum for date extend of the Quotations for Electronics Equipments 2
1. Quotations for Purchase & Fixing of Multi Grade Filters[ takes care of the turbidity (physical impurities viz sand, mud, dirt etc)] 26-02-2019
1. Quotations for Purchase of Photocopier with Scanner 18-02-2019
1. Quoations for Purchase of Laptop 15-02-2019
2. Revised Quotations for electronics items Corrigendum for date extend of the Quotations for Electronics Equipments 15-02-2019
3. Quotation for Purchase of Laptop
Corrigendum for date extend of the Quotations for Laptop
4. Quoations for Purchase of Laptop 13-02-2019
5. Quoations for Purchase of Glassware Equipment for Chemistry Lab at PIT, GTB Garh (Moga)(A Constituent College of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda) 12-02-2019
6. Quoations for Purchase of General Equipment for Chemistry Lab at PIT, GTB Garh (Moga)(A Constituent College of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda) 12-02-2019
7. Quotations for Renovation of 2 Bathrooms (Room No. 6 on G.F & Room No 2 on F.F) of Guest House in the Campus 25-01-2019
8. Quotation for Purchase of Laptop 21-01-2019
9. Quotation for Purchase of Laptop 18-01-2019
10. Quotation for Purchase of Chemicals for Applied Chemistry Deptt., GZSCCET Bathinda 03-12-2018
11. Quotation for Repair of EDC Lab equipment for ECE Department 03-12-2018
12. Quotation for Repair of Communication Engg. Lab equipment for ECE Department 03-12-2018
13. Quotations for Rate contract (Upto 31 March 2019) for Purchase of Animal Feed (Rat/Mice) for Central Animal House, MRSPTU. 13-11-2018
14. Quotations for Purchase of Chemicals for Applied Chemistry Deppt. GAZCCET Bathinda. 25-10-2018
15. Quotations for Purchase of Eqipments for Basic Electrical Engineering Lab at PIT, GTB Garh (Moga) 26-10-2018
16. Quotations for Supply of Bleaching Power (Siel Grade-I) and Ferric Alum 12-10-2018
17. Quotations for Purchase of Sports Kits for Teams of MRSPTU for Participation in Inter-Varsity Tournaments during Session 2018-19 04-10-2018
18. Quotations for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Corrigendum for date extend of the Quotations for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
19. Quotations for Purchase of Equipments for Certificate Course in Food Processing at PIT, Arniwala 21-09-2018
20. Quotations for Purchase of Equipments for Certificate Course in Food Processing at PIT, Arniwala 25-09-2018
21. Quotations for installation of Internet Leased Line connection of 8 MBPS, 1:1 dedicated unshared badnwidth over Fiber/Copper/ RF Link including necessary Hardware at PIT Rajpura 13-09-2018
22. Quotations for providing General Equipments for applied Chemistry lab at Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College Patiala 17-09-2018
23. Quotations for providing General Glassware Apparatus for applied Chemistry lab at Punjab State Aeronautical Engg. College Patiala 17-09-2018
24. Quotation for Purchase of Chemicals & Reagents for Pharmaceutical Sciences & Technology Deptt., MRSPTU, Bathinda 07-09-2018
25. Quotation for Providing & Fixing of Electromagnetic Water Flow Meters for GZSCCET, Bathinda 29-08-2018
26. Quotations for purchase of sports goods & Playing Dresses (Sports Kits) for Teams of GZSCCET MRSPTU for Participation in Inter-college Tournaments during Session 2018-19 08-08-2018
27. Quotations for Purchase of Equipments for Certificate Course in Food Processing at PIT, Arniwala 1
Amendment in clause no.2 (a).
28. Quotations for Purchase of Equipments for Certificate Course in Food Processing at PIT, Arniwala 2
Amendment in clause no.2 (a).